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Business ideas – tanning shop

Tanning shop

Yes, you heard me right. Even though tanning shops are one the market for a while you still see new ones opening. Very often they become an addition to existing beauty businesses.

How to make it successful?

Location is the key. Most of the spaces can be turned into tanning shops. So focus on where you are how to be seen. Try to make sure there are available parking spaces, the busiest salons tend to have parking and this fact enables more frequent and convenient custom.

Once you got this sorted think about what you are going to put in to your shop. Is it the Ergoline leading one in your area or the Mega Sun? Or maybe you want to offer something unique like Opal Fitness?

Research and prepare. Think if you wish to focus on quality and spend money on best sunbeds?

Do you want to have 2 products in price of one? Go ahead and get refurbished bed.

Remember about technical requirements.

You would most likely need 3 phase electric as you putting commercial beds. You need to have a proper ventilation in place. Remember those machines generates huge amount of hot air so you need to have a separate secured system for each one. Fuse boxes have to be secured and they cannot be located in the cubicles where the beds are.

There are all health and safety regulations you have to meet. Don’t forget about the design and advertising. You need to let people know that you are in the business.

The average power consumption in a commercial tanning studio varies between 12 and 20 kW/h. When you do have couple of units you have to add all up so you need to make sure that the electric installation is going to handle it.

Bear in mind running costs as well. The energy prices are going up all the time.

Think if you want to spend a bit more upfront and invest in modern solution like dynamic power that was introduces by Ergoline or electronic power from megaSun KBL. A lot of people choosing refurbished beds over new ones so they can afford more ergonomic models.

Think about how you want to do it. And go ahead. You will soon find out that it was worth it.

tanning shop


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